Thursday, June 10, 2010

Free Verse - Dana Fripp's MySpace Blog | DEFinitiveWritings

Hey Folks!

I am still alive. Just super-proccupied. I promised you that I would finish Part II of my story, but it seems my story is still being written out here in real time! I just have to ride it on out, y'know?!

In the meantime, please enjoy these postings from a previous blog effort. I think they will bless you. One is a vision I received in prayer, and this one is a free verse to formal rhythmic stanza poem I received and wrote when I was going through a particularly tough time. Seems extremely pertinent to my life today. It always does.

Enjoy, but please don't plagiarize. Thanks so much!

Free Verse - Dana Fripp's MySpace Blog DEFinitiveWritings

The Shepherd and the Wolf - Dana Fripp's MySpace Blog | DEFinitiveWritings

The Shepherd and the Wolf - Dana Fripp's MySpace Blog DEFinitiveWritings