Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Breaking Program

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "Breaking Program Now Initiated. Accellerated Program Now Activated. Time Initiated: Before Time Began but Recently Ascertained by Subject as Currently in Process. Estimated Time of Completion:Undetermined by Fleshly Means of Chronology. Objectives Achieved: Only as Subject in Question Achieves Recalibration and Realignment via the Operation of the Holy Spirit. Level of Discomfort/Intensity: Frequently and Consistently Excruciating. Potential as Container of Higher Levels of Glory: Extremely High, but again Actual Outcomes determined by Willing Submission of Subject in Question to Full Recalibration Process. Level of Grace As Pertaining to Subject in Question:Unlimited.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

In Response to the Love of A Old Friend While Telling Myself The Truth

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "Yes indeed, Kemmee. That is something about which I have a certain level of understanding, and I thank you always for the encouraging reminder. This is just another deep layer of God's Transforming work in me. It's yet another season of Intense Preparation within my character. From Glory to Glory. He's scraping the sides of the vessel to make more room for Him Glory in me, and as much as it hurts, it's still fine with me. It was time for the revelation of this 'hole in my soul' so that He could heal me and fill it with more of Himself. Any sooner, I would likely fallen apart at the seams and shipwrecked. Any later, this hole would've become a hidden snare that emerged to discredit and sabotage the integrity of the work He has for me. Man! It hurts, and it may for a good minute while I get real about these issues. I can see now that prior to this season of difficulty and purging, God did much to ensure that even in the midst of my failings, there would be this insatiable, undeniable craving for His Heart and the sound of that Singular Voice in my ear that would send me racing back to find Him. I couldn't stay away-I'd already been marked by Love no matter what I tried to do, or how I viewed myself. He just wouldn't relent. There is no love like His Love."

Really Telling Myself The Truth About This Thing...

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "When two people of faith are pressing for a relationship that God hasn't ordained, all because each person longs to be with someone, two (among many) things are happening: you're hindering God's Best for the OTHER person, and therefore not walking in Real Love, and you're telling God that He doesn't know how to do His Job of perfecting that which concerns you. Do you REALLY want to go there?"

More Telling Myself The Truth About This Thing...

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "If the hole in your heart screams for someone to find you wholly desirable just once...if your contentment as a single person is suffering from the wear and tear of the decades...if you're done with relatives asking you about your prospects...if you privately anguish over what on earth could make you so unattractive to the opposite sex-it's as if you secrete an essence that says to a emotional predator,'Come and get me, baby! I'm ready!'"

Telling Myself The Truth About This Thing...

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "When a man says to you, 'I don't like women. They don't know what they want,' yet he wants you to marry him right away, there is something seriously askewed going on in his internal mix. There is definitely something askew in you for thinking he will change his viewpoint just because you decide to stay with him."

Friday, July 23, 2010

Facebook | Pamela Miree Love......How do you know if it's love? An inquiring mind wants to

Facebook Pamela Miree Love......How do you know if it's love? An inquiring mind wants to
THIS WAS MY RESPONSE "It (Love) allows you to be all of who you are and never leaves a deep wound of insecurity and self-doubt about your own intrinsic worth. It doesn't need to lord itself over you to assuage its own insecurities. It doesn't batter you daily about personal faults you are conscious of and processing. It validates your misgivings and emotions-never diminishing where you are at the moment. It doesn't manipulate or guilt you into interpersonal intimacy. It doesn't alienate you from loved ones. It celebrates you and your interests and goals. Because it is not legalistic with its standards and demands, you feel free to give fully and joyfully in return. It doesn't take ownership of your identity because it lacks its own. It asks. It respects your right to own and speak your own 'No.' It can be without you and know that you are true to it. It is never clingy. It can apologize. It grows. It is patient and knows you are worth the wait. It listens in layers and hears with a pure heart. It 'fights fair.' It never calls you names in the midst of a disagreement. It does not 'make lists.' It can make healthy compromises in matters great and small and not feel resentful over it. It is more than infatuation and nothing like obsession. It doesn't idolize you, but it does actually like you.

You want more? I've got more because I accepted less and am paying dearly for it."

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "The Court of Public Opinion On Who Dana Elizabeth Is and How Dana Elizabeth Should Live Her Life is adjourned indefinitely, and there's no telling when other arguments will be heard. In its place, The Court of The Kingdom Of Heaven is in session in perpetuity. The Judge of All Men is presiding on the bench, my accusers have been overruled and found in contempt...and what's more? The Judge's Son already plead my case."

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "The Court of Public Opinion On Who Dana Elizabeth Is and How Dana Elizabeth Should Live Her Life is adjourned indefinitely, and there's no telling when other arguments will be heard. In its place, The Court of The Kingdom Of Heaven is in session in perpetuity. The Judge of All Men is presiding on the bench, my accusers have been overruled and found in contempt...and what's more? The Judge's Son already plead my case."

Monday, July 19, 2010

A REPOST from A Great Woman.

A REPOST from A Great Woman. Thanks to QB for blessing me with her heartfelt writings.

A perusal around Adam's Rib: Taken from my response to a woman question from a good fb friend.

A perusal around Adam's Rib: Taken from my response to a woman question from a good fb friend. This one came straight from the Consuming Fire of God, and was affecting me powerfully as I wrote it. Please click the link. Please share with friends.

Rain On Me, God: Life on his terms.

Rain On Me, God: Life on his terms.

Click to read the entire note on fb. I don't mind sharing some of my healing process with people.

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "There are days when keeping human interaction at the bare minimum is exactly what the doctor ordered. nice!"

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "is going to have to take a decisive stand against 'attractive distractions' and 'merry-go-round' deceptions in her life...AGAIN. Waaayy too much at stake in this round of battle for archaic skirmishes that should have long since been put to rest."

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "Lord, I've got some MAJOR DECISIONS in front of me, and right now, I am not clear. Today, I'm bothered by this disparity in me: knowing what I do about You, God, and yet not doing life according to what I know about You, God. I need to bridge this mighty chasm between presumed faith and actual functionality. True Faith by its very nature is highly functional. Oration is beautiful, but obedience is better."

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "The Quiet is a risky place. It's there we hear well the truth about who, what, where, and why we are-or are not. It's where our deeply-held beliefs about Life & Self cry out like neglected, suckle-starved infants demanding recognition-needing to be nestled, nourished, or if need be, reprimanded and sent to their rooms.... It is possible to live without acknowledging them, but that's a half-lived life. Face them I must."

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "Yes, Yes, Yes. When all is said and done, and we are finished with all the foolishness and the factions, the extras and the embellishments, the aggravations and the arguments, the discouragements and the distractions of our lives as Christians, the simple truth is this: Lord God, just let me have a home with one You promised...and visit with me...Over There."

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "We often say to people, 'I've been where you are in life right now,' but seriously...HAVE WE? While I truly believe God uses our testimonies to bring powerful encouragement to others, we should be very careful not to engraft the sum total of our personal walk with God onto the current leg of THEIR journey. God may not with me as he did with you. Let's face it: if you actually HAD been where I am, you'd be ME."

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "PLEASE: Do not take my meekness for silence for tranquility for clownishness for friendliness for lovingkindness for gregariousness for patience for procrastination. I am awake. I am aware. I am aggressive. I am... advised. I am advancing. I am anointed. I am appointed...and I am watching you."

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "I'm thinking: In marriage, a man should lift a woman to her particular God-designed dreams as much as she nurtures and encourages his highest holy pursuits. Although pursuing these dreams can and should be challenging at times, it should not be so strenuous as to create unbearable tension in the relationship. There should be something powerful between two people-an anointed bond-that sets satan to flight, and strengthens each person to go forward. As these individual dreams manifest in real time, they will have a inherent supernatural predisposition to enhance one another. One is no less important than the other. They ebb and flow complimentarily. This means that the two people becoming one should have compatible Dream Seedlings resident in them before they ever come together. Flesh efforts cannot fabricate or replicate such a supernatural covenant. Only the Lord can create such a union. This is The Garden Reformed and Restored."

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "is LOVIN' Her Sisters On Fire For Their Heavenly Father Today! I can literally FEEL YOU out there, being galvanized by His Burning Heart of Love for you right now! Papa is simply OVERJOYED OVER YOU! Roll Call! Check in, Daughters of The Most High! What Say You of the Battle? Is Victory in Your Line Of Sight? Send up a ...flare, if help is needed anywhere. We overcome and gain surpassing triumph in Christ Jesus-TOGETHER!"

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "BUSTED!!!!! Picking the pockets of the impoverished...bilking (black) buyers by bulking up bottom lines on buildings in blighted boroughs. Slimy sinful subterfuge selling itself as superiority and spirituality. Your commission has been cancelled...your lordship over lands lifted...your yamulke has been yanked, Yo!!! (Play with God like that, you must be crazy...)"

(Written in response to the FBI bust of several greedy New Haven slumlords using their positions in the community for selfish gain alone.)

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "It's that kind of a day, Lord: the kind of day when the cicadas are forecasting heat indices at such levels as to challenge my walk of forgiveness toward A'dam and Wo'man (Eve). If they had just chosen to trust God's Faithfulness, and sent that lucifer-serpent packing, all I'd have to be clothed in right now is The Glory Of God..."

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "Only Jesus Christ has the right to request His Unique Love Song from me. Any other spirit demanding me sing it to them is a THIEF deserving death by execution! They are a satanic offender, a great pretender to the Throne of Grace. STAY AWAY FROM ME! HOW DARE YOU! May I have eyes to see you, ears to hear you, and the purity and strength of heart to REFUSE and EXTERMINATE you should you deign to ever visit me again."

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "Time alone does not heal. If it did, the world would not be as replete with walking wounded wounding one another as it is now. Though grateful for it, I cannot pretend that beautiful sunshine brings resolution. At any moment, another wave of painful memories stops me in my tracks in broad daylight, overpowering and nea...rly immobilizing me. These flashes testify that there is no way that I'm going to heal on my own."

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "You can read my posts, mind and spirit right or wrong. Trust me! I post these things because I am increasingly more RAW and REAL about myself. Everything about my thinking process is straight jacked up without Jesus Christ writing His Word on my heart. I am prone to fall into a deep craphill of cyclical sin... See More, feel to ashamed to come out, and need Him to forgive, rescue and deliver me. I have made so many decisions to walk away from His Love, in matters great and small, thinking that I could fill these deep voids in my life with other things-even 'churchy' or 'good' things! I always come up empty.He always comes up wonderful. These days whenever that happens, I tend to put myself on blast, and my friends pray me right on back into right focus and right standing with the Lord. Ask anyone who hangs out on my page regularly. God is showing me daily that my efforts to deliver and improve myself without His Righteousness are a joke. It's His Blood, It's His Blood, It's His Blood. He just keeps wooing me right on back, showing me He's all I need. He blows my mind, kisses me, and wins me over. It has taken me falling and falling apart to see: I have never been loved, nor will anyone ever love me, like this."

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "Thank. You. Jesus. Thank You. Jesus. Thank. You Jesus. Thank...You...Jesus. Thank You, Jesus, Thank You, Jesus, Thank You, Jesus, Thank You, Jesus, Thank You, Jesus, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, THANK YOU, JESUS!!!!!!"

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "Okay, I'm still up. Reading incredible resources from the Lord via the hands of good friends. Letting all my fbf's know right now: If you're uncomfortable with someone walking through the stages of grief towards her healing, you might want to avert your eyes, put my statuses on block, or unfriend me now. I know God't want me to spew all my stuff, but what I do share will be Increasingly Authentically Dana."

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "That's it! I should've BEEN off of here! That last chat was God saying my time is for Higher & Better Things-not USELESS online talk that shouldn't injure me but really did. Live & Learn The Hard Way again, Girl?. When it's time to speak I will do so. Until then, I'm going into the Bride Chamber to get the filth off my... soul and spirit, and wait for my Transforming Encounter with the King. Young Warrior Princess-OUT!"

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "I don't quite know why, and yet simultaneously I understand it well: there is just something about having time alone that feeds and settles my soul. I can breathe. I can hear my own thoughts. No points to make or worths to prove. I seem to require more solitude as things I progress. Without considerable... 'stopping places,' I quickly lose the stamina for the various 'marketplaces' of my life."

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "I always thought that God's Math was kind of wonderfully funny: 1+1=1!!!

If you're looking for someone to 'complete you' in the form of a spouse...sorry. You done drank too much of the Jerry Maguire Juice!"

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "is questioning her Blackness in this heat. It can't be true, because I am NOT going out there. My family version of ROOTS would take place in Anchorage."

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "Lord, thank You for marking me with your Word. Thank You for being my rear guard....for shelding me...for overshadowing me with Your Almighty Wings...for clothing me with Your Righteousness as a garment...for placing the mantle of Your Grace over my shoulders and calling me Friend and Daughter...for putting your signet ring on my finger...for crowning me with lovingkindness and tender mercies...for knowing my name and calling me by Yours."

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "is feeling the Call of the Radically Loved, Healed and Delivered."

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "I'm His Woman: 'Therefore, behold, I will allure her...and bring her into the wilderness...I will speak tenderly and to her heart...I will give her her vineyards and make the Valley of Achor [troubling] to be for her a door of hope and expectation...she shall sing there and respond as in the days of her youth...and it ...shall be in that day, says the Lord, that you shall call Me Ishi [my Husband]...' HOSEA 2:14-16."

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "1.When a glance over your shoulder causes you to be startled by a lock of your own hair, you've entered into major sleep deprivation; 2. 90% of the time, if you WANT to buy something, you WILL buy it regardless of sales pitch; 3. Like trying a pretty shoe a size too small, a brief but potent application of pain is often a holy signal that the situation into which you've inserted yourself is not a good fit for you."

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "So it does not seem like an unusual occurance for God to hide who you truly are from even your family and closest friends. He hid His Own Son in plain sight until the season of His Ministry was fully upon Him. Maybe that's part of why I bristle when people act they 'know me' so well. All of who I am is not yet revealed..., not even to me. Are you God? If you are not Him, you need to be careful how you talk to me."

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "When Papa's Song breaks through to us, every other earthly refrain becomes to our ears as mellifluous as the hissing, high-pitched whistling static of an outdated AM frequency. Sing to me again, Papa...I have to hear You sing again."

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "The sooner we absorb the truth that people weren't born into the earth to fulfill OUR preconceived expectations and desires, but were birthed to (choose and) fulfill God's Pleasure and Purpose for them, the sooner we find freedom from disappointment, manipulation of others, and victimization. You can let people go, and... in doing so, be free to serve others by the Spirit without being bound in servitude by the flesh."

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp: My Daddy's The King: A daughter is called to the Royal Summit. (Dana responds to Paris L. Smith...again!)

This one was fun to creatively download. It kind of went all "Chronicles of Narnia" -like on me, except it was far more personal to my heart. All my senses were engaged. Please click on the link to read the Princess' Call to the Presence of Her Father The King. I hope you enjoy the adventure.