Monday, July 19, 2010

Facebook | Dana Elizabeth Fripp

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "I'm thinking: In marriage, a man should lift a woman to her particular God-designed dreams as much as she nurtures and encourages his highest holy pursuits. Although pursuing these dreams can and should be challenging at times, it should not be so strenuous as to create unbearable tension in the relationship. There should be something powerful between two people-an anointed bond-that sets satan to flight, and strengthens each person to go forward. As these individual dreams manifest in real time, they will have a inherent supernatural predisposition to enhance one another. One is no less important than the other. They ebb and flow complimentarily. This means that the two people becoming one should have compatible Dream Seedlings resident in them before they ever come together. Flesh efforts cannot fabricate or replicate such a supernatural covenant. Only the Lord can create such a union. This is The Garden Reformed and Restored."

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