Saturday, July 24, 2010

In Response to the Love of A Old Friend While Telling Myself The Truth

Facebook Dana Elizabeth Fripp: "Yes indeed, Kemmee. That is something about which I have a certain level of understanding, and I thank you always for the encouraging reminder. This is just another deep layer of God's Transforming work in me. It's yet another season of Intense Preparation within my character. From Glory to Glory. He's scraping the sides of the vessel to make more room for Him Glory in me, and as much as it hurts, it's still fine with me. It was time for the revelation of this 'hole in my soul' so that He could heal me and fill it with more of Himself. Any sooner, I would likely fallen apart at the seams and shipwrecked. Any later, this hole would've become a hidden snare that emerged to discredit and sabotage the integrity of the work He has for me. Man! It hurts, and it may for a good minute while I get real about these issues. I can see now that prior to this season of difficulty and purging, God did much to ensure that even in the midst of my failings, there would be this insatiable, undeniable craving for His Heart and the sound of that Singular Voice in my ear that would send me racing back to find Him. I couldn't stay away-I'd already been marked by Love no matter what I tried to do, or how I viewed myself. He just wouldn't relent. There is no love like His Love."

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